Farewell Alma Mater (FAM) 2021
Farewell Alma Mater (FAM) 2021

Though they joined as strangers, coming from more than 90 different primary schools across Singapore, our girls will now be leaving us as lifelong friends and sisters-in-learning; as one united ‘Class of 2021’.
The day began with the Graduation Assembly, a formal occasion where the Y4s virtual graduation ceremony was witnessed by the whole school. It was followed by an afternoon programme which bore the theme, ‘Whimsical Tea Party’
Our girls were dressed to the nines and they thoroughly enjoyed the company of their classmates and form teachers in an afternoon of themed festivities lined up specially for them!
Observing SMM, the celebration was held within their respective classrooms. A ‘live roving’ component added to the buzz. Excitement was in the air as our girls anticipated the announcement of the live roving team on the winners for the best dressed and Lucky Draw components.
A big thank you to everyone who have contributed to the prizes for the Lucky Draw and other awards, as well as to the Parents for RGS Association (PRGS) for the lovely corsages presented to all the Year 4s who wore them with relish. Our Y4 parents - we can’t thank you enough for your contributions and for working alongside the school to ensure that our girls acquire the best RGS experience possible. Similarly, our teachers and staff have walked alongside the girls throughout their journey here and have nurtured them to be active creators of a better age for all.
Congratulations once again to our Y4s on your graduation and we wish you immense joy and fulfilment as you embark on the next stage of your journey. As the last line of the chorus of our school song goes, “Life lies before us, here’s luck to the start.”
Filiae Melioris Aevi.